Welcome to the wonderful world of color trading!
Along the top of the screen you can see the increase and decrease in the market count of each color since yesterday. Trades happen daily with the help of our handy automated trading helper that buys and sells colors every day around 4pm PST.
In the center of the screen, you can see the current market count of each color. This market is the same for everyone who visits, and so any action you take with the market will affect the market for everyone else.
At the bottom, you can see your wallet of colors. You have been gifted 30 of each color. Using the buy and sell sections for each color, you can buy and sell the colors from and to the market in real time.
Buy 10 Green and 10 will be removed from the market and added to your personal wallet. Sell 10 Green and 10 will be removed from your wallet and added to the market.